6 research outputs found

    Selection of an optimal substructure in the distributed arithmetic FIR digital filter

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    Nerekurzivna digitalna sita v porazdeljeni aritmetiki in aritmetiki s fiksno decimalno vejico se uporabljajo v hitrih sistemih za digitalno obdelavo podatkov, kjer se zahteva stabilnost odzivov in linearne fazne poteke pri zahtevanem velikem dušenju ali veliki strmini bokov. Med različnimi realizacijskimi oblikami smo primerjali kaskadno, vzporedno in kombinirano realizacijsko obliko. Primerjali smo frekvenčne lastnosti, kvantizacijski šum in aparaturno kompleksnost.For digital signal processing in high-speed systems FIR digital filters are used, especially in applications where linear time-invariant stable response and linear phase are needed. A fixed point arithmetic is applied in such systems. The hardware main problem in the design of high-speed FIR digital filters is the complexity. In practical realizations of FIR digital filters, the circuits containe many adders, inverters, registers and multipliers. Among these basic digital elements, the multiplier has most of the hardware complexity and its time response is the greatest. A distributed arithmetic was developed for this reason by some authors. In the hardware realization the multiplier is substituted with a memory, adder and register. The partial sum of coefficients is written in the memory. The partial sum from memory with the previous result from the adder divided by two in the adder is calculated. The previous result from the adder is written in the register on b-iteration of the summed partial results is needed for the calculation of one entire product in the case of the distributed arithmetic. b is the number of bits in the input word. The complexity of the hardware realization of all FIR digital filters in the distributed arithmetic is determined with the word length in all substructures, with ripple in passband and stopband and with the width of transition band on the frequency response. With an increase in the word length, sharpness of the frequency response in transition band and reduction of ripple in passband and stopband the number of basic elements and the time response are increased. The capacity of the memory is determined with 2N, N is the number of impulse response coefficients. In modern digital filter designs the sampling frequency is limited to 20MHz and the number of impulse response coefficients to 200. With the new technology of digital circuits this limit will be increased. Our paper deals with the possibility of reducing the memory capacity by using a combined realization form. The combined realization form contains a cascade-connected structure built with a parallel subsection. We present two FIR digital filters in the distributed arithmetic realization form. The first one is realized with digital elements such as logic gates, adders, inverters and registers, and the other one with digital elements and read-write memory. Both forms are suitable for realization in custom-design integrated circuits or in PLD. Another advantage of our contribution is an optimal word length in all subsections with consideration of the roundoff noise and expected ripple in passband and stopband. As a result, an optimal lowpass FIR digital filter in the distributed arithmetic with 61 coefficients of the impulse response usefulness of the combined realization form is presented and analysed. For the combined realization form of the FIR digital filter design impulse response coefficients are needed. These coefficients can be calculated with software such as MATLAB. The impulseresponse coefficients h(k) are the coefficients of transfer function H(z). From the zeros of the transfer function of the FIR digital filter the zeros of the cascade structure are selected. This selection requires approximately an equal number of zeros in all cascaded structures, and a similar frequency response in all cascaded structures with the frequency response of the whole FIR digital filter. With this selection, the hardware complexity of the cascaded structure is almost the same and the magnitude of the output signal from all the cascaded structures is suitably high. The output signal as a response to the input white noise signal is calculated with our program package for simulation of an FIR digital filter structure. Depending on quantization errors, an optimal word length in all sections is chosen. The simulated results and the theoretically calculated quantization errors with linear quantization error models are compared. A simplified method for determination of the optimal word length was searched for by using theoretically calculated quan

    Dinamika rasti in rodnosti enoletnih poganjkov oreha sorte \u27Elit\u27

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    An architectural analysis of a fruiting branch in the Slovenian variety \u27Elit\u27 was conducted during three successive years. The fruit bearing branch was constructed of a three-year-old parent shoot plus all corresponding two-year-old shoots and annual shoots (1Y). The construction of the bearing branch during the time caused a statistically significant increase in the number of annual shoots. The basal diameter and the length of 1Y significantly depended on a year whereas their angles did not. In spite of decreasing length of 1Y, the number of vegetative buds per shoot increased from the first to the third year of observations. The number of nodes was closely correlated with the length of the shoots. Activity points on the 1Y were most often on the apical two or three nodes, what was expressed by a marked acrotony. The number of active points varied as the tree matured. The ratio fruit bearing 1Y ž total 1Y was 0.47 in year 10.18 in year 20.74 in year 3. It points to the slightly alternance. As the tree grew the number of flowering buds per 1Y as well as the number of female flowers per 1Y increased. The results of the three-year-long research show some growth and development rules in the walnut cultivar \u27Elit\u27, however, they do not allow a reliable prediction of the following activities. We assume that this will be possible after another three-year-long analysis, with the help of the Hidden Mark Model.Da bi proučili dinamiko rasti in rodnosti enoletnih poganjkov pri slovenski sorti oreha \u27Elit\u27, smo v treh zaporednih letih izvedli arhitektonsko analizo rodne veje, zgrajene iz triletnega nosilnega poganjka in vseh pripadajočih dveletnih in enoletnih poganjkov (1Y). Z izgradnjo rodne veje se je iz leta v leto statistično značilno povečevalo število 1Y. Leto je značilno vplivalo na bazalno debelino in dolžino 1Y, na njihove kote pa ne. Čeprav se je dolžina 1Y zmanjševala od prvega do tretjega leta opazovanj, je število vegetativnih brstov na 1Y naraščalo. Število nodijev je bilo v vseh letih v tesni zvezi z dolžino poganjkov. Aktivna mesta na 1Y so bila najpogosteje na zadnjih dveh ali treh nodijih, kar se odraza v izraziti akrotoni razrasti. Število aktivnih mest se je povečevalo s starostjo drevesa. Razmerje skupni 1Y/rodni 1Y je bilo v prvem letu 0.47, v drugem letu 0.18, v tretjem letu pa 0.74 in nakazuje rahlo izmenično rodnost. Z leti sta naraščali število rodnih brstov in število zenskih cvetov na 1Y. Triletni rezultati nakazujejo nekatere zakonitosti v rasti in razvoju oreha sorte \u27Elit\u27, ne dopuščajo pa še zanesljivega napovedovanja nadaljnje aktivnosti. Ocenjujemo, da bo s pomočjo Markove verige to mogoče po opravljenih analizah v naslednjem triletnem ciklusu

    Analog laboratory practicum with the TI Analog System Lab Kit PRO

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    Navodila za delo s TI Analog System Lab Kit PRO pri laboratorijskih vajah predstavlja skupek štirinajstih laboratorijskih vaj, ki se izvajajo individualno ali v skupini dveh študentov. Vaje so izvedene s pomočjo kompleta vezij na eni plošči, ki jo je izdalo podjetje Texas Instruments.Instructions for working with TI Analog System Lab Kit PRO in the lab represents a set of fourteen lab work to be carried out individually or in groups of two students. Exercises are performed with the help of a set of circuits on one board, issued by the company Texas Instruments

    Case studies

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    Information and Communication Technologies—as analyzed in this book—could allow a radical change in the way healthcare services are delivered to the citizens and could represent an effective tool to cope with the today’s healthcare challenges.In this chapter we introduce two European research projects where large part of the concepts addressed in this book are applied; they are the MICHELANGELO project of the seventh Framework Program and CHIRON of the ARTEMIS JU Program.The CHIRON project (Cyclic and person-centric health management: Integrated approach for home, mobile and clinical environments) focuses on prevention i.e. on a move away from ‘health care’ towards ‘health management’, from ‘how to treat patients’ to ‘how to keep people healthy’, from a “reactive care” to a “proactive care”. CHIRON designed a system’s architecture making possible a “continuum of care” i.e. an integrated health management approach in which health is patient-centric at home, in the hospital and in nomadic environments. Care is moved from the hospital to the home and the healthcare staff is enlarged by adding informal carers to the medical professionals and by motivating and empowering the patient himself to manage his own health. Moreover the CHIRON system builds a personalized risk assessment of the patient by integrating personal information, data gathered at home and in a mobile environment through an innovative set of wearable sensors and data available at the hospital including outcomes of image-based tests. The expected results are a reduction of the healthcare costs and a better quality of care.MICHELANGELO addresses a specific category of patients i.e. the autistic children; the aim is to use ICT to promote and facilitate the assessment of autism within the home setting, away from the traditional clinical environments and to provide personalized “home-based” intervention strategies. This is achieved through the provision of cost-effective, patient-centric home-based intervention remotely controlled by the therapist (remote rehabilitation). The proposed method aims at enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment through its “intensiveness” and “personalization” matching the individual characteristics of autistic children and the involvement of the parents in their “natural” home environment in the role of “co-therapists”.Both projects offer interesting inputs on how Information and Communication Technology could help in “revolutionizing” healthcare. It is worthwhile to highlight that both projects keep the doctors at the core of the healthcare process and in both of them technology is not replacing the experience and the competences of the medical professionals and is not removing the needed physical contact between them and the patients but it supports the doctors in executing their tasks in a more effective and better way.This chapter is split into two parts: in the first we will introduce the two projects mainly from a strategic perspective in line with the current efforts towards “radical changes” needed to cope with the heavy challenges the healthcare system is facing.The second part gives a technological insight of the CHIRON project and shows how this project is deploying several of the concepts analyzed in the previous chapters of this book.This part presents the architecture of an integrated continuous monitoring system for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) patients in nomadic settings developed under the ARTEMIS-JU CHIRON Project. The proposed sensor platform constitutes of commercially available subsystems effectively integrated into a single multi-sensor non-invasive wearable solution. To enable medical experts to assess the patient’s condition remotely, a number of analysis algorithm were developed and implemented into an Android application in order to provide the desired medical information. The key challenge in the development of these algorithmic solutions, was to balance the expected performance while maintaining a low level of power consumption, thus facilitating the continuous monitoring purpose of the system. Furthermore, a web-server based framework provides medical experts with an interactive analysis and monitoring interface and provides the infrastructure for storing the obtained data.<br/

    SOSMP Načrtovanje senzorskega omrežja za spremljanje mikroklimatskih parametrov v nasadih

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    Že skupna kmetijska politika (SKP) govori o ciljih, da je potrebno na področju kmetovanja sprejemati ukrepe, s katerimi bomo dosegli, da bodo ljudje imeli na razpolago dobro in cenovno dostopno hrano ter da bodo kmetovalci lahko zaslužili za dostojno življenje. Glede na podatke o analizi stanja slovenskega kmetijstva in živilstva v strategiji za izvajanje resolucije o strateških usmeritvah razvoja slovenskega kmetijstva in živilstva do leta 2020, da se je od leta 2000 število organizacij in obdelovalna površina zmanjšala, je še toliko bolj pomembno, da so projektne dejavnosti naravnane tako, da spodbujajo in omogočajo strokovno raziskovanje na tem področju, katerih rezultati bodo omogočili lažje upravljanje in bodo imeli vpliv na širšo družbo. Pridelovalci sadja, so zelo odvisni od vremenskih razmer in drugih vplivov, s tem pa tudi njihov ekonomski položaj. Pridelovalci se pri svojem delu, bodisi pri zasnovi novih ali pri upravljanju že obstoječih nasadov zanašajo na podatke okóljskih parametrov, ki so večkrat pogojeni s poznavanjem zgodovine območja. Nekateri trenutno dostopni podatki okóljskih parametrov, so dostopni na spletni strani Agencije Republike Slovenije za Okolje, vendar v okrnjeni obliki in le za točko kjer se nahaja vremenska postaja. Ti podatki so koristni za analizo večjih površin na območju Republike Slovenije, vendar agronomu ne zadoščajo popolnoma za pravočasno ukrepanje ali snovanje novega nasada. Običajno so nasadi tudi lokacijsko oddaljeni od upravitelja nasada in ga le-ta lahko spremlja le s fizični pregledi na terenu. Dodaten vpliv na odločitve ima tudi terenska postavitev nasada, ki je večkrat razgibana in ima različne mikroklimatske pogoje. Da bi pravočasno preprečili morebitne bolezenske ali vremensko povzročene težave in pravočasno ukrepali, pa morajo biti ti pregledi zelo pogosti. Težavno je še posebej takrat, kadar je govora o več hektarjev velikih nasadih. S tovrstnimi težavami se sooča tudi Slovensko strokovno društvo lupinarjev (SSDL), katerega cilj je povečanje obsega pridelave orehov, lešnikov, kostanja in mandlja v Sloveniji z vpeljavo gospodarnih in okolju prijaznih tehnologij pridelave in dodelave. Težavo pozebe in ukrepe je že opisalo SSDL, ki se ukvarja tudi z informiranjem potrošnikov, kot tudi brošura (zašita pred spomladansko pozebo – ZPSP), ki jo je izdalo Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano jasno izpostavlja problem pozebe in preventivne zaščite ter kaj je pomembno pri načrtovanju nasadov. V projektu smo se ukvarjali z načrtovanjem sistema, s katerim bi bilo mogoče zajemati vse mikroklimatske parametre, kot sotemperatura in relativna vlažnost zraka in zemlje, količina padavin, osončenost (tudi notranjost krošenj), UV indeks, detekcija toče in kot ukrepinamakanje in pršenje v primeru nevarnosti pozebe oziroma suše. S pomočjo omenjenih podatkov, ki so merjeni razpršeno v nasadu, je mogoče preventivno ukrepati v primeru pozebe, suše, bolezni ipd.. Ti podatki so nujni pri načrtovanju novih nasadov, da so uspešni in bo zanje potrebnih karseda najmanj ukrepov. S tem se ukvarja SSDL kot tudi drugih raziskovalci in pridelovalci sadja. Potrebo po tovrstnih podatkih jasno izpostavlja ZPSP za uspešno načrtovanje nasadov. S projektom smo vključene študente usmerili v zbiranje in raziskovanje literature na temo zastavljenega projekta. Ker gre v večini za študente, ki vstopajo na svojo pot študija in organiziranega dela v okviru projektov, so večinski rezultati projekta v obliki pridobitve novih kompetenc in organiziranih delovnih izkušenj študentov, končen teoretično zasnovan sistem, katerega bi bilo mogoče s tehnično podporo ustreznega kvalificiranega kadra laboratorija in finančno podporo bodisi vključenega društva ali podjetja, pripeljati do praktične realizacije izdelka za uporabo v praksi, kot je bilo tudi zastavljeno s cilji samega projekta